Write To Your Child!
Welcome to the Message Board! Here, you can send heartfelt notes to the children you sponsor, sharing your encouragement, joy, and support. Your words mean the world to them and brighten their days!
Before You Write...
Communicating with your child is a truly special experience that builds a meaningful bond. Through our program, your letters will be emailed and translated, saving both postage and time.
Feel free to write to your child as often as you wish, sharing favorite Bible verses, daily activities, family gatherings, holidays, and important events in your life. Your prayers and words of encouragement will be cherished.
However, it's essential to avoid making promises to your child, they will remember ever word you say. We also ask that you do not discussing material possessions, as these details are not crucial for nurturing your relationship. And please refrain from disclosing your home address, phone number, or email; we will manage the exchange of letters for you.

Two ways to write...

Request and fill out a letter template or upload your own completed letter.
Feel free to include any images!
Write and style your message below
Fill put the following form with your letter and use the provided text editing tools to personalize and style your message!